Saturday 26 January 2013

assignment 2: winning

Winning. I win! He wins! They win! WIN! WIN! WIN!

The second assignment follows the theme of victory now. What I would really like to do is something related to my other rather bizzare hobby: Nerf. Again because I'm looking to develop my video editing skills, it's going to be a video of some kind. But before getting in to the nuts and bolts of how that assignment's gonna look like/turn out/ feel. I figure I should take a BIG step back and just make sure I understand the concept of winning. So I guess... start with the basics:
So winning as a concept.... myself.. I think winning is a bit vague, especially when you look at it in a multimedia context. Personally, I think this has got a whole lot more to do with victory/being victorious, which would be easier to showcase than just winning.

I say this because winning is a fairly generic state. Victory implies a context/setting and scenario which lets you tell a story, series of events or just focus in on what leads up to a victory or perhaps the victory.

So given that winning and victory pretty much go hand in hand with one another - in that winning is what happens when you achieve victory. Now to figure out how they do that in media and games...This is actually not that hard to do as in most games, this is why we play: We play to win!
It could be to win by defeating the bid bad/bad guy  leader (Modern warfare 3)
It could be that winning lets you make a choice that has devastating impact upon humanity/your species/your race. (they did a shit job of it, but the original Mass Effect 3 ending comes to mind. Deus Ex Human revolution did it a whole lot better)
Sometimes, you're fighting for survival (Left4Dead and of course Left4Dead 2 - I'm gonna skip the DLC packs) or just the possibility of staying alive to fight to survive the next day (The Walking Dead)

so if that is how you win in games... I'm not going to show those final moments. I mean, that would defeat the point of actually PLAYING the game right? So I'm thinking showcasing game play elements, showcasing the mini-wins, achievement unlocks and so forth... now how I'm going to do that... well... I have no idea....

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